Minggu, 20 Maret 2016

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris 2

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris 2

1.     Cari artikel yang mengandung kata some, any, much, many, a lot of, a few, dan yang mengandung artikel a, an, the.

Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull
For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. Inthe PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.
First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it helps them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.
In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students go on to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. More than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In somecases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through 
specially trained educators.

Indonesian Cultural Existences Practically Disappears In Its Own Home
Indonesia is a country that has distinctive social orders. This general public contrasts happens in light of the way that Indonesia country includes a fewislands where each island has its own specific culture. Regardless, at this moment Indonesian culture is in danger of being lost because broke down by the times. There are such countless that advance of life is in danger. Those variables are from inside and outside. Through this paper, themakers will depict those parts that cause the peril of neighborhood Indonesian culture. Here are two entries that looking at those parts:

The primary is component from inside. The decreasing of Indonesia’s lifestyle vicinity in its own specific home is achieved by its own specific people that ignore their lifestyle especially for youngsters. They are quieted by front line life and started to neglect the qualities which is procured by their forerunners. Case in point, close-by vernaculars, social capacity, customs and Indonesian traditions have been lost in general society eye. Inthe blink of an eye, we could see no one needs to use adjacent lingo in light of the fact that they are mortified called plebeian. Other than theadolescents who couldn’t give a second thought less any more with thelifestyle, government in like manner less responsive in dealing with this issue. There is no veritable try from government to oversee Indonesians society.

The second is outside components. The Rapid stream of information which comes to Indonesia in like manner effects the deterioration of Indonesian culture. Various remote social orders, especially Western social orders have come and grown in Indonesia. Those western social orders are opposing with the Indonesians values as eastern nations. It in like manner gives dreadful effect in Indonesian’s standard as eastern nation. Nowadays, we can see the styles of dress that does not consent to the principles, penchants tanked, and poor lifestyle has grown in Indonesia.

Along these lines, the reducing of Indonesian culture vicinity in his own specific country as an eventual outcome of a couple of variables. They are inside and outside components. For keeping up the movement of Indonesia’s Culture, let us keep our own specific culture. Especially we as adolescents don’t feel embarrassed to secure our lifestyle moreover stem western social orders which come into our country. In case we have lost our interesting society infers we have lost our own specific national character.

Source :

2.     Buat kalimat aktif dan pasif

Active    :  Rico play the gitar tonight
Passive  :  The gitar is played by rico tonight

Active    :  Karina is cooking the  noodle for ray
Passive  :  The noodle is being cooked by karina for ray

Active    :  Jono ate the meatball
Passive  : The meatball was eaten by jono

3   3.    Buat contoh kalimat Simple present, Present Continuous, dan Present Perfect masing-masing tiga

( + ) Hanif gives up with his show
(  - )  Hanif don't give up with his show
( ?  )  Do Hanif give up with his show?


( + ) Eka is waiting his friend today 
(  - )  Eka isn't waiting his friend today 
( ?  )

( + ) You have eaten your food
(  - )  You haven't eaten your food
( ?  ) Have you eaten your food?

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